Fool Like You
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:23 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
The Ultimate Sin
Song Author
Ozzy Osbourne / Jake E. Lee
File Size
88 KB
I hear you breath ing though you're so far _ a way
Can you just go where you're go ing to? _
I could n't give a damn or _ two a bout a fool like _ you _
That's _ true _
Are you just too cool no you're just per fect ly cold
And what goes _ a round still comes a round _
I think it's all summed up and _ down _ in a fool _ _ like you _
That's true
To day is just an ot her day
You hold your tic ket in to no where _ _
It's up to you if you will stay
And turn your days in to a ni _ _ _ _ _ ght mare
You think you know it you think you know _ it all
But you don't e ven have _ a clue _
And _ con trol is still in _ view for a fo _ ol like you _
That's _ true _
Is there a rea son for _ the way that you are
Or does it _ just come nat u ral ly _
To have an id i o syn cra sy _ and be a fool like you _
That's true _
You hear ing what you want to hear
Mis un der stand ing all you see _ _ _
An at ti tude in all of us
Is it real ly you or me? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
He's hid ing re si _ ding deep wi thin the crowd _
A hand _ out he'll pull _ you down _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You been found guil ty com mit ted ev er y crime
But still they say you must go _ _ free
Looks _ like haun ted I will _ be _ by a fool like _ you _
That's true _
By a fool like _ you by a fool like _ you _ _
Looks like haunt ed I will _ be _ by a fool like you _
That's true _
By a fool like _ you by a fool like _ you _ _
Looks like haunt ed I will _ be _ by a fool like you _
That's true _
It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located
throughout. The drums are 99% accurate and only in
certain places are slightly off. There is also a bit of
tempo problems between the first chorus and second
verse, tinker it as you see fit. It is also imperative to
keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right
where it is, as this makes it sound best. This
was checked for accuracy by playing along with the
real track song. I hope it helps!